Sponsored Rider Program
What is the "Sponsored Rider Program" you say?
Simply put, wear our custom Evolve Bicycles jersey or kit and get paid! Well, it's not quite that simple, but close...
All you have to do is post a photo of yourself in our custom Evolve jersey at the finish line of a ride or race (in 2018) on Facebook and tag us with #evolvebikes and @evolvebikes (make sure you select Evolve Bicycles & E-Bikes) and you'll earn money.
- $20 for any finish line photo
- $30 for a 3rd place podium photo
- $40 for a 2nd place podium photo
- $50 for a 1st pace podium photo
All money earned will be issued as store credit on your shop account and must be used by the end of the year, with a $200 max per calendar year.
It's a win-win program...
You win because you get:
- to wear our awesome and stylish custom Evolve jersey or kit
- 20% off the purchase of our awesome and stylish custom Evolve jersey or kit
We win because we get:
- to see your smiling & happy face in finish line and podium photos
- some shop advertising at rides & races via you as a walking (or shall we say riding) billboard
Become a sponsored rider today!